Nihonshu is a brewed beverage born of the appreciation of the people of long ago. First, there was the earth. After the sun and rain fell upon that, rice plants could grow. These yielded rice that was harvested along with joy, and they felt appreciation for the harvest, and while hoping for yet another successful harvest to come, they made sake with that rice and offered it to the gods.
Japanese people brewed the sake that was offered to the gods using one of the most the complex and precise brewing methods in the world, multiple parallel fermentation, and made it into a delicious beverage. To brew such tasty sake, rice grown on the earth and water from the heavens must coexist with the superb wisdom and technical skill of people. And those people are in turn raised by the blessings of the oceans, mountains, rivers, villages and forests. This is the joy of being alive and sharing sake. It is gratitude for those things that bring us joy.
The Kanda Toshimaya Rita line of sake is brewed with this spirit of appreciation.
The spirit of altruism is the opposite of selfishness. It is the spirit of being considerate and putting others before oneself. It is the spirit of acting in such a way that benefits others. Without such altruism that makes others’ happiness the top priority, good products cannot be created. This altruistic heart is especially applicable to brewing sake that brings people comfort and healing.
純米大吟醸 大利他
The spirit of altruism is the opposite of selfishness. It is the spirit of being considerate and putting others before oneself. It is the spirit of acting in such a way that benefits others. Without such altruism that makes others’ happiness the top priority, good products cannot be created. This altruistic heart is especially applicable to brewing sake that brings people comfort and healing.
原料米品種 八反錦100%(広島)
原材料名 米(国産)・米麹(国産米)
精米歩合 40%
アルコール分 16度
酵母 1601
純米大吟醸 利他
An elegant and appropriately lively aroma. A soft umami richness typical of junmai-shu types of sake. This junmai daiginjo balances the appeal of both of these aspects. After the smooth flavor spreads across the palate, an acid-driven astringency and a clean depth remain.
原料米品種 八反錦100%(広島)
原材料名 米(国産)・米麹(国産米)
精米歩合 50%
アルコール分 13度
酵母 M-310
特別純米 利他
When enjoyed chilled, This sake strikes the palate with gentleness and roundness. But when warmed it fills out significantly, displaying the condition called “kan-agari.” It’s a dependable, food-friendly sake that will support the flavors of just about any food, including fried food, grilled food, and stews.
原料米品種 八反錦100%(広島)
原材料名 米(国産)・米麹(国産米)
精米歩合 60%
アルコール分 15度
酵母 9号(901)
特別純米 利他
Bottled without adding water, or pasteurizing, or charcoal filtration so as to convey the fresh appeal of just-made sake. A bold profile and sharp effervescent touch attest to the youthful life of this sake.
原料米品種 八反錦100%(広島)
原材料名 米(国産)・米麹(国産米)
精米歩合 60%
アルコール分 17度
酵母 9号(901)